Tuesday 4 September 2012

Gordon Moore

Gordon Moore is an American co-founder and Chairman Emeritus of Intel Corporation and the author of Moore`s law. He was born on  January 3, 1929 in San Francisco ,USA. 1953 he got his PhD in Chemistry and Physics from the California Institute of Technology. Some years later he published " Moore`s Law" in 1965. After 3 years in July 1968, Moore co-founded Intel Corporation with Bob Noyce and served as Executive Vise President until 1975 when he became President. In April 1979, Dr.Moore became Chairman of the Board and Chair Executive Officer, holding that position until April 1987, when he became Chairman of the Board. He was named Chairman Emeritus of Intel Corporation in 1997.

E.Moore is a seminal figure in the history of computing. A successful engineer, entrepreneur, and manager, Moore is best known for three things: membership in the "Traitorous Eight"; confounding Intel Corporation and being the prognosticator of " Moore`s Law". Which have been  an inspiration for the semi-conductor industry for over 40 years. opportunity knocked in the person of William Shockley, the brilliant but contentious Bell Labs physicist who had co-invented the transistor in 1947. Shockley was ready to leave Bell Labs, return to his own Northern California roots, and launch his own semiconductor business, Shockley Semiconductor. He amazed a team of brilliant specialists, and Moore was brought in as a chemist. This golden opportunity for Moore, however, was soon tarnished. As a manager Shockley proved to be difficult, secretive, and distrustful. Not surprisingly, this created problems for his staff and became known as the " Traitorous Eight" or "the Fairchild Eight", decided enough was enough and left Shockley to launch their own company. With a $500 investment from each man and backing from Fairchild Camera and Instrument, this Corporation was born in 1957. Moore has been richly rewarded for his hard work and risk taking. Intel Corporation became one of the largest manufacturers in the semiconductor industry. Moore is an IEEE Fellow. a member of the National Academy of Engineering, and winner of the National Medal of Technology, the Frankin Institute`s Bower Leadership Award, and the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Gordon E. Moore co-founded Intel in 1968 as a specialized manufacturer of memory products. Serving long terms as President, Chief Executive Officer, and Chairman, he led the company to produce the world's first microprocessor and on to become the world's largest producer of computer chips. 

Gordon Moore he is a person who influenced on developing technology. From his work we can see that he had a big plans for future, he did not make a small plans , he made a big and risky plans, and he achieved his goal. once he said "It is extremely unlikely that anyone coming out of school with a technical degree will go into one area and stay there. Today's students have to look forward to the excitement of probably having three or four careers."  His words encourages us not to stop in one field , go forward, looking for a new opportunity, searching for a new plans, new ideas, and achieve all of them.No matter what is your major, you can do everything you want in this life.