Tuesday 4 September 2012

Martha Stewart

Martha Stewart is an American business magnate, author, magazine publisher, and television personality. She was born on August 3, 1941 in New Jersey. She started her career in her early ages being as a model from the age of 13, appearing in fashion shows, television and print advertisements.She attended Barnard College in Manhattan. She is very famous as founder of Martha Steward Living Omnimedia, she has gained success through a variety of business ventures, examples of them are encompassing publishing, broadcasting, merchandising, and electronic commerce. However it is not all. She has written numerous bestselling books, is the publisher of Martha Steward Living magazine, and her syndicated talk show Martha.

All the things I love is what my business is all about.

Her first career was modeling as i mentioned before. In 1967, Martha Steward began a second career as a stockbroker, her father-in-law`s profession. In 1976 she started catering business, which she ran from the basement of her house. Catering publishers` parties in New York City brought her valuable contracts and led to a book deal. In 1982 her first book, Martha Stewart`s Entertaining, appeared. In 1990 she started her own magazine. Martha Stewart Living, serving as Editor-in-Chief. The publication was an immediate success. In 1993 she debuted a weekly half-hour television program, also called Martha Stewart Living. Half an hour once a week was not enough for her growing audience, and the program eventually expanded to a daily hour-long broadcast, with half-hour episodes on weekends Martha Stewart`s television appearances had made her not only a household name, but a one-woman industry. A second magazine, Martha Stewart Weddings, began appearing regularly in 1993, In 2001, Ladies Home Journal named her third most powerful woman in America. By 2002 the magazine Martha Stewart Living was selling more than 2 million copies per issue, and her syndicated television program was seen by millions around the world.  Although Martha Stewart maintained her innocence of all charges, she was brought to trail in the first months of 2004. The court dismissed the original accusation of insider trading from which the other charge stemmed, but in March, the jury found her guilty of misleading federal investigators and obstructing an investigation. Her stockbroker and the CEO of the involved company were also convicted.  The court ordered Stewart to pay $30,000 fine and serve a five month prison sentence. After her release, Stewart immediately set about rebuilding her business. She began a new daily television program, The Martha Stewart Show.

Martha Stewart is a very strong woman, she has shown her patience and good humor in the face of the criticism. She has had more influence on how Americans eat, entertain, and decorate their homes and gardens than any other person in our history. She did not influence just American people , she influenced all the woman on the Earth. Because she showed how woman can be strong, powerful as man. She said " Without an open-minded mind, you can never be a great success"  Her success did not come easy and even she has been in jail, she lost everything, but she again came back, she continued perusing her dream. She deserves more than this. What i learned from her is being  patient,to love what you do,and do what you love.  She is a woman, and she could balance between family and work. I love to know about woman entrepreneurs, because they encourage the young graduated not graduated students to pursue their dreams. I hope one day i would become like Martha Stewart...... 

Ted Turner

Robert Edward "Ted" Turner III  is an American media mogul and philanthropist. As a businessman, he is known as a founder of the cable news network CNN, the first 24 hour cable news channel. he was born on November 19, 1938 in Cincinnati, Ohio. At the age of 12 Ted Turner was sent to the McCallie   School which is situated in Chattanooga, Tennessee state . His curriculum included military training, one of Ted Turner`s favorite subjects. After  completing his course load at McCallie, Ted hoped to sign up with the United States Naval Academy, but his father insisted Ted attend Harvard, Ted`s grades were not enough for Harvard, so in 1956 he enrolled in Brown University, however he could not graduate there, because he was kicked out from that university. 

Winners never quit, and quitters never win.

He returned to Georgia to his fathers business and his father promoted him to assistant manager of Turner Advertising`s Atlanta branch. He took a large amount of debts to buy out their competitor. in 1963 he took his own life leaving Ted Turner at 24 in charge of a growing, but heavily indebted enterprise.He worked day and night, offering customers a discount for early payment, to increase the amount of cash on hand.  At the time the television business was dominated by three major networks, only the largest cities could support a fourth or fifth station. Turner purchased a failing UHF station in Atlanta. He changed the name of his firm to Turner Communications Group, and renamed the station WTCG. He quickly added a second UHF station in Charlotte, North Carolina. Both stations were hemorrhaging money, but Turner moved boldly ahead. He began buying old movies and TV shows, securing the broadcast rights outright, so he could show them over and over without paying royalties. Soon, his stations were breaking even.
In 1972 a change in FCC regulations offered Turner an opportunity he leapt at. For the first time, it permitted the cable television services to transmit programming from remote station. At the end of 1975, RCA launched the SATCOM II communications satellite, and Turner was one of the first to rent a channel. In 1980 Turner sold his Charlotte television station and used the proceeds to launch his ambitious venture yet a 24- hour all-news channel. By 1985, CNN was showing a profit and Turner expanded the service with CNN Radio and CNN International. By this time, Turner was a billionaire and was increasingly interested in developing his wealth oh behalf of worthy  causes. In 1986 Turner purchased MGM Entertainment Company. Turner later started to launch the Cartoon Network, Turner Classic Movies TCM, to show old and new films, uncut, uninterrupted and commercial -free 24 hours a day.  Over the previous decade, Turner had played an active role in the United Nations Association. For several years in a row, the United States Congress refused to appropriate funds for paying the country`s dues to the United Nations. When the arrears approached a billion dollars, Turner stunned the world by paying the shortfall out of his own pocket. 
"I see what keeps people young:work" it is a quote from Ted Turner, we know that only thing that helped people to develop is work. We have to learn how to be honest to your job, work hard, and earning money in a good way, achieving for our goals like Ted Turner. He showed how simple person can achieve a lot in the life. " All my life people have said that i was not going to to make it ". He loves show business, he loves his job, that motivates him to get more. What i learned from him is sometimes we don`t know how to measure success, but people measure it by money. If you earned a lot of money , they call you successful.


Gordon Moore

Gordon Moore is an American co-founder and Chairman Emeritus of Intel Corporation and the author of Moore`s law. He was born on  January 3, 1929 in San Francisco ,USA. 1953 he got his PhD in Chemistry and Physics from the California Institute of Technology. Some years later he published " Moore`s Law" in 1965. After 3 years in July 1968, Moore co-founded Intel Corporation with Bob Noyce and served as Executive Vise President until 1975 when he became President. In April 1979, Dr.Moore became Chairman of the Board and Chair Executive Officer, holding that position until April 1987, when he became Chairman of the Board. He was named Chairman Emeritus of Intel Corporation in 1997.

E.Moore is a seminal figure in the history of computing. A successful engineer, entrepreneur, and manager, Moore is best known for three things: membership in the "Traitorous Eight"; confounding Intel Corporation and being the prognosticator of " Moore`s Law". Which have been  an inspiration for the semi-conductor industry for over 40 years. opportunity knocked in the person of William Shockley, the brilliant but contentious Bell Labs physicist who had co-invented the transistor in 1947. Shockley was ready to leave Bell Labs, return to his own Northern California roots, and launch his own semiconductor business, Shockley Semiconductor. He amazed a team of brilliant specialists, and Moore was brought in as a chemist. This golden opportunity for Moore, however, was soon tarnished. As a manager Shockley proved to be difficult, secretive, and distrustful. Not surprisingly, this created problems for his staff and became known as the " Traitorous Eight" or "the Fairchild Eight", decided enough was enough and left Shockley to launch their own company. With a $500 investment from each man and backing from Fairchild Camera and Instrument, this Corporation was born in 1957. Moore has been richly rewarded for his hard work and risk taking. Intel Corporation became one of the largest manufacturers in the semiconductor industry. Moore is an IEEE Fellow. a member of the National Academy of Engineering, and winner of the National Medal of Technology, the Frankin Institute`s Bower Leadership Award, and the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Gordon E. Moore co-founded Intel in 1968 as a specialized manufacturer of memory products. Serving long terms as President, Chief Executive Officer, and Chairman, he led the company to produce the world's first microprocessor and on to become the world's largest producer of computer chips. 

Gordon Moore he is a person who influenced on developing technology. From his work we can see that he had a big plans for future, he did not make a small plans , he made a big and risky plans, and he achieved his goal. once he said "It is extremely unlikely that anyone coming out of school with a technical degree will go into one area and stay there. Today's students have to look forward to the excitement of probably having three or four careers."  His words encourages us not to stop in one field , go forward, looking for a new opportunity, searching for a new plans, new ideas, and achieve all of them.No matter what is your major, you can do everything you want in this life.

Sunday 2 September 2012

Coco Chanel

Coco Chanel (1883-1971)
Gabrielle "Coco" Bonheur Chanel was a French designer and founder of the Chanel brand. She was born on August 19, 1883 in Saumur , France. She was the first lady in France who introduced many creative styles, modernist touch and unique menswear stuff and she was considered as the most important woman in her time. Her nick name came from another occupation entirely. During he brief career as a singer, Chanel performed in clubs in Vichy and Moulins, where she was called "Coco" Some say that the name comes from one of the songs she used to sing. When she was young he mother died and her  father couldn`t take care about her , then he sent her to orphan house. She learned how to sew there. 
Fashion Pioneer 

She stared her business with Etienna Balsan. she opened her first shop in Paris in 1910, started selling hats. Her first taste of clothing success came from a dress she fashioned out of an old jersey on a chilly day. In response to the many people who asked about where she got the dress, she offered to make one for them. “My fortune is built on that old jersey that I’d put on because it was cold in Deauville,” she once told author Paul Morand. In the 1920s, Chanel took her thriving business to new heights. She launched her first perfume, Chanel No. 5, In 1925, she introduced the now legendary Chanel suit with collarless jacket and well-fitted skirt. Another 1920s revolutionary design was Chanel’s little black dress. 

Fashion fades, only style remains the same.
She is a woman who came from nothing, and built an empire. She cared about fashion  a lot, and she was very strong woman, she once said "Women must tell men always that they are the strong ones. They are the big, the strong, the wonderful. In truth, women are the strong ones. It is just my opinion, I am not a professor." She was a classic woman, she left her name in the history of the fashion world. Her designs we are using now, and it didn`t loose its value. She always to feel herself young, we can see it from her pictures, and she motivated herself, it is never late to be dressed well. She made her own fashion world, and i think there will be no other Chanel in the world.

Thomas J. Watson

Thomas J. Watson (1874-1956)
Thomas John Watson Sr was a chairman and CEO of International Business Machine (IBM). He was born on February 17, 1874 in Campbell. Watson developed IBM`s distinctive management style and corporate culture, and turned the company
IBM into highly-effective selling organization, based largely around punched card tabulating machines.A leading self-made industrialist, he was one of the richest men of his time and was called the world`s greatest salesman when he died in 1956.
Thomas J. Watson was a pioneer in the development of accounting and computing equipment used today by business, government, science and industry. He built a worldwide industry during his 42 years at IBM. His first job was at age 18 as a bookkeeper in Clarence Risley's Market in Painted Post, N.Y. He earned $6 a week. Later he sold sewing machines and musical instruments in the same village before joining the National Cash Register Company as a salesman in Buffalo. He eventually worked his way up to general sales manager.Bent on inspiring the dispirited NCR sales force, Mr. Watson introduced the motto, "THINK," which later became a widely known symbol of IBM. He told salesmen, " 'I didn't think' has cost the world millions of dollars." Overnight, framed placards with the single word, "THINK," sprouted throughout the offices of the company. Later, at IBM, he reintroduced the same motto.Mr. Watson joined IBM, then known as the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Co., as general manager in 1914. Mr. Watson adopted for IBM the slogan, "World peace through world trade," and made it internationally known. He said he advocated "the exchange not only of goods and services but of men and methods, ideas and ideals." He worked closely with the International Chamber of Commerce and in 1937 was elected its president.For many years Mr. Watson served as a trustee of Columbia University and Lafayette College. He was presented with honorary degrees by 27 colleges and universities in the United States and four abroad.
Mr. Watson married Jeannette M. Kittredge, daughter of an Ohio industrialist, on April 17, 1913. Mrs. Watson traveled widely with her husband and became a director of IBM in 1956, and before that was a director of IBM World Trade Corp. She was 82 when she died at her home in New York City on February 10, 1966.

Thomas Watson he was also a simple person who had a dream to be successful, and he didn`t stop moving forward, in the end he got his success. There is something that he said "  You can be discouraged by failure, or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes, make all you can. Because, remember that's where you'll find success - on the far side of failure. "  he proved it.  We have to get a lesson from his life. Empty pocket doestn`t stop you from success, but empty mind and heart stops you from that. 

Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey is an American media proprietor, talk show host, actress, producer and philanthropist. She was born on January 29,1954 in  Kosciusko,Mississippi. Winfrey is best known for her self-titled, multi-award winning  winning talk show, which has become the highest rated program of its kind in history and was nationally syndicated from 1986-2011. She has been ranked the richest Afrrican-American of the 20th century and she is also according to some assessments the most influential woman in the world.

The Oprah Winfrey Show

Winfrey began her media career at the age of 17, when she started work at the local WVOL radio station in Nashville while attending Tennessee State University, her major was in Speech Communication and Performing Arts. Two years later.  she became both the youngest news anchor and the first black female news anchor at Nashville W LAC-TV. it was her 1st career step in her life. In 1976 she moved to Baltimore to join WJZ-TTV news as a co-anchor, and in 1978 discovered her talent for hosting talk shows when she became co-host of WJZ-TV`s " People are talking", while she continuing to serve as anchor and news reporter. Winfrey`s career really began to take off  after moving to Chicago in 1983 to host "AM Chicago", an early morning talk show at WLS_TV. The first episode aired on January 2, 1984. Within months after Winfrey took over, the show went from last place on the ratings to overtaking Donahue as the highest rated talk show in Chicago. It was renamed The Oprah Winfrey Show, expanded to a full hour, and broadcast nationally beginning September 8, 1886, its first show about marrying the right person.
The Oprah Winfrey Show went on to become one of the most successful and highest ranked television talk show programs in history. in June of 1087 The Oprah Winfrey Show won three Daytime Emmy Awards for Outstanding Direction, Outstanding Host and Outstanding Talk/Service Program.  In 1988 Oprah received the International Radio and Television Society`s " Broadcaster of the Year" Award. She is the youngest person and fifth woman to ever received this award.

In the end , it is not all about money, from her philanthropic efforts to the inspirational and educational nature of her shows to her book club to her Live Your Best Life program, it is clear that Oprah is all about two things: Living a great life for yourself and making a difference in the world. She seems to have mastered both.What I know is, is that if you do work that you love, and the work fulfills you, the rest will come. i learned from her that we should do what we love, and should love what we do! 

Anita Roddick

Dame Anita Roddick was a British businesswoman also human rights activist and environmental campaigner, best known as the founder of The Body Shop, a cosmetic company which producing and retailing the  buity products. Roddick was born on October 23, 1942 in Littlehampton,Sussex.

The Body Shop

She went on to work for the United Nations where she travelled extensively and met people from a number of different cultures. These experiences would help shape her future career. The birth of the ‘The Body Shop’ came about in 1976 due to a need by Roddick to create a livelihood for herself and her daughters while her husband was trekking across the Americas. The first Body Shop was basic and at first sold only 15 lines. Thanks to her own earlier travels, she had a wealth of experience and exposure to the body rituals of women from all over the world from which to draw. , she became the first to introduce socially and environmentally responsible business onto the High Street and began talking about fair trade long before it became a buzz word. The Body Shop today is a business with 1,980 stores serving over 77 million customers in 50 different markets and 25 different languages.The Body Shop's Mission Statement sets out a dedication to the pursuit of social and environmental change. The shops and products help communicate human rights and environmental issues. Throughout her career, Roddick continued to campaign tirelessly against environmental and social wrongs around the world.In 2003, Roddick's achievements were recognised when she was knighted by the Queen, and officially styled as Dame Anita Roddick.Three years later, the Body Shop was purchased by L'Oreal for £652.3 million. This caused controversy, partly because L'Oreal is said to be involved in animal testing, and partly because it is said to be part-owned by multinational conglomerate NestlĂ©.While Roddick had been a strong campaigner on ethical issues, NestlĂ© was been the subject of a long standing boycott call for its marketing of baby milk powder in third world countries.

"There is no scientific answer for success. You can't define it. You've simply got to live it and do it." Anita Roddick is also a good example of woman entrepreneur who achieved a lot in her short life and showed her business skills. She proved that woman can not only have children, also be a business lady too. and women`s character is not better than men`s but as least they are equal. And it is better to have leadership talent than to learn it. But everything is possible in this life, just do your best. You can get success.